STUDIO REPAIR » Roland » MKS-80 / MPG-80 »  LCD Module     [Image 13 of 15]  :: Jump To  
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Roland MKS-80  •  LCD Module
The CPU board contains a 8051 MCU to control both voice boards as well as all peripherals like buttons, LEDs and the LCD.
Roland MKS-80 - Front Panel Removed * The CPU board contains a 8051 MCU to control both voice boards as well as all peripherals like buttons, LEDs and the LCD.

Roland MKS-80 - CPU Board * The CPU board contains a 8051 MCU to control both voice boards as well as all peripherals like buttons, LEDs and the LCD.

Roland MKS-80 - Board Leaves * The three main PCBs (CPU board and the two voice boards) are stacked but easily accessible.

Roland MKS-80 - Module Board * A revision of the module board with Curtis chips.

Roland MKS-80 - CEM-less Voice Board * Each voice board has its own 8051 Slave-MCU with separate ROM and DAC. This is a latter version with an installed DAC adaptor board and Roland's IR3R03 VCOs - all Curtis CEMs are gone...

Roland MKS-80 - DAC Module Board * This is the DAC adaptor board that Roland used as a substitutive for the origin ITS80141 (a 14-Bit multiplying DAC). It features a MD6205 DAC with some circuitry that makes it pin-for-pin compatible with an ITS80141.

Roland MKS-80 - S&H Caps * These are the S&H capacitors of one voice board.

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Roland MKS-80 - LCD Module - Image by Nikolaus Riehm - Equipment courtesy of Gutleut Studios
Roland MKS-80 - LCD Foil Pre-Cut * Cutting a new foil to fit into the LCD module.

Roland MKS-80 - LCD blue * The LCD module with its brand new blue-ish backlit.

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